fbpx Micro-credential certification in Abnormal Psychology PSY2074 (BPSY) | SPACE

This course enables students to eleborate the main concepts and issues regarding abnormal behaviours and mental illness of children and adolescents. This course will discuss the various factors of abnormal behaviour and mentall ilness. A current classification system of mental ilness, symptoms, treatments and interventions will be discussed.

Programme Fee

Awarding Body: 

This programme is designed, delivered, assessed and awarded by SEGi University through the SEGiUniDigital Platform. 

Entry Requirements: 

Entry Requirements - No 
Age Experience - 23 Years Above 
Language Proficiency - Yes 
Numeracy Proficiency - No 
Pre-requisites - No

  1. Introduction to Normal and Abnormal Behavior in Children and Adolescents
    1. What is abnormal behaviour in children and adolescents?
    2. Risk and Resilience
    3. What affects rates and expression of mental disorder? look at some key factors
  2. Theories and Causes
    1. Theoretical foundations
    2. Biological, psychological, family, social and culture perspectives
  3. Research
    1. Methods of studying behaviour
    2. Research strategies
    3. Ethical and pragmatic issues
  4. Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment
    1. Assessing disorders
    2. Classification and diagnosis
    3. Treatment and prevention
  5. Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder)
    1. Definition
    2. Features of intellectual disabilities
    3. Developmental course and outcomes 
    4. Causes
    5. Prevention, education and treatment 
  6. Autism Spectrum Disorder and Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia
    1. DSM-5
    2. Prevalence
    3. Causes 
    4. Treatments
  7. Communication and Learning Disorders
    1. Communication Disorders
    2. Specific Learning Disorders
  8. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    1. Core characteristics
    2. Symptoms
    3. Prevalence and course
    4. Theories and causes
    5. Treatment
  9. Conduct Problems
    1. DSM-5: defining features
    2.  Characteristics
    3. Symptoms
    4. Prevalence, gender and course
    5. Treatment and prevention
  10. Depressive and Bipolar Disorders
    1. Major Depressive Disorder
    2. Persistent Depressive Disorder
    3. Disruptive Mood Dyregulation Disorder
    4. Bipolar Disorder
  11. Anxiety and Obsessiveā€“Compulsive Disorders
    1. Separation Anxiety Disorder
    2. Specific Phobia
    3. Social Anxiety Disorder
    4. Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia
    5. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    6. Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorder
  12. Trauma- and Stressor- Related Disorders
    1. Reactive Attachment Disorder
    2. Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
    3. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
  13. Health-Related and Substance-Use Disorders
    1. Sleep-Wake Disorder
    2. Elimination Disorder
    3. Chronic Illness
    4. Adolescent Substance-Use Disorders
  14. Feeding and Eating Disorders
    1. Obesity
    2. Eating Disorders of Adolescence

Coursework - 60%
Exam - 40%

Credit Transfer: 

Upon successful completion of this Micro-credential certification in Abnormal Psychology (BPSY), students will be able to transfer grades and credits into the following programme(s):

  1. Bachelor of  Psychology
Continuing Education: 

Upon successful completion of this Bachelor of  Psychology programme and meeting the necessary entry requirements, students will be able to progress into the following programme(s):

  1. Master of Psychology