fbpx Micro-credential certification in Business Law LAW3034 (BBM) | SPACE

This programme is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the principles of business law, with a focus on their application in various contexts. It covers key topics relevant to the business industry, including an exploration of the fundamental principles of the legal system. The programme also looks into contract formation, encompassing essential elements, contract terms, and termination procedures. Additionally, it examines the legal aspects of agency, the sales of goods, partnership, and company law, emphasising a deep understanding of the core legal principles underlying these areas. 

Furthermore, the programme addresses the intersection of business and the challenges posed by the Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0 era. It explores specific legal considerations within Cyber Law, Civil Law, and Intellectual Property. It also incorporates hypothetical problem-solving through case studies and presentations. 

Note: Subject relates to Bachelor of Business Management

Programme Fee

Awarding Body: 

This programme is designed, delivered, assessed and awarded by SEGi University through the SEGiUniDigital Platform. 

Business & Accounting
Entry Requirements: 

Entry Requirements - No 
Min. Age Requirement - 19 Years Old and Above 
Language Proficiency - Yes 
Numeracy Proficiency - No 
Prerequisites - No

  1. The Legal System
  2. The Formation of Contracts
  3. The Content of The Contracts
  4. Vitiating Factors
  5. Illegality and Public Policy
  6. Remedies
  7. Sale of Goods
  8. Law of Agency
  9. Partnership and Company
  10. Cyber Law
  11. Law of Tort
  12. Law of Intellectual Property

Assignment 1 - 30% 
Assignment 2 - 30% 
Final Examination - 40% 

Credit Transfer: 
Upon successful completion of this Micro-credential certification in Business Law (BBM), students will be able to transfer grades and credits into the following programme(s):
  1. Bachelor of Business Management
Continuing Education: 

Upon successful completion of this Bachelor of Business Management programme and meeting the necessary entry requirements, students will be able to progress into the following programme(s):

  1. Master of Financial Planning 
  2. Master of Accountancy 
  3. Master of Business Administration (Global Business)
  4. Master of Business Administration (General Management) 
Career Opportunities: 

This module will enhance the students knowledge by providing a solid understanding of the legal principles and regulations that govern various aspects of business operations. The students able to create, interpret, and manage contracts. This skill is essential for negotiating deals, partnerships, and agreements effectively.