Flexible Learning That Enhances Your Potential
Micro-credential certification in Counselling Skills PSY2104 (BPSY)
Awarding Body:
This programme is designed, delivered, assessed and awarded by SEGi University through the SEGiUniDigital Platform.
Entry Requirements:
Entry Requirements - No
Age Experience - 23 Years Above
Language Proficiency - Yes
Numeracy Proficiency - No
Pre-requisites - No
"The Helping Professions
- What is helping?
- Settings in which helpers work
- Helper qualities and skills"
"The Helping Relationship
- The importance of the relationship to clients
- Accurate empathy
- Positive regard
- Congruence/genuineness
"Communication Patterns in the Helping Process
- Ritualized patterns of communication
- Interactive communication across diverse client groups
- Silence"
"Attending Skills
- Communication of attentiveness
- Verbal following behavior and selective attention
- Cognitive and affective messages and differentiation
- Types of affective messages"
"Listening Skills
- Paraphrase
- Reflection of feelings
- Summarization
"Action Skills
- Questions
- Reflection of meaning response
- Challenging responses"
"Managing the Helping Session
-The first interview
-Structuring of initial moments
-Intake interview content
"Managing the Helping Session
-Handling subsequent interviews
-Terminating the interview
-Terminating the helping relationship"
"Conceptualizing Client Issues and Setting Change Goals
- The client’s world and unmet needs
- The role of helper in assessing client concerns
- Assessing key components of client issues
- Process and outcome goals
- Elements of effective outcome goals: smart Goals
- Translating vague concerns into specific goals: subgoals
- Client resistance to goal setting and the stages of change model
- Client participation in goal setting"
"Using Integrative Helping Strategies and Interventions
- Working with client feelings
- Working with client behaviors
- Working with client beliefs and attitudes
- Working with client language, symbolic meaning, and stories
- Working with client interactional patterns and relationships
- Working with client cultural and social systems"
"Considerations and Challenges for Beginning Helpers
-Professional identity
-Clinical supervision
-Professional affiliations and credentialing
-Professional development
-Ethical and legal issues"
Coursework - 60%
Exam - 40%
Credit Transfer:
Upon successful completion of this Micro-credential certificationin Counselling Skills (BPSY), students will be able to transfer grades and credits into the following programme(s):
- Bachelor of Psychology
Continuing Education:
Upon successful completion of this Bachelor of Psychology programme and meeting the necessary entry requirements, students will be able to progress into the following programme(s):
- Master of Psychology