fbpx Micro-credential certification in History of Art & Design BMD1163 (BVCD) ** | SPACE

This course is designed to equip students with a basic understanding of the history and background of art through different ages (artists, paintings, sculptures and architectures etc) and emphasises the development and appreciation of design and picture analysis as well as acquaintance students with world famous designers, their attitudes, principles & philosophy and also their process in design, achievements and motivation. It also enhances the general appreciation of high aesthetic quality works and historical significance throughout the world and across thousands of years of human history.

Note: Subject relates to Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Visual Communication Design 

** indicates that these programmes will be offered soon

Programme Fee

Awarding Body: 

This programme is designed, delivered, assessed and awarded by SEGi University through the SEGiUniDigital Platform. 

Creative Arts & Design
Entry Requirements: 

Age Experience - 19 Years Above 
Language Proficiency - Yes 
Prerequisites - No

  1. Introduction to Course
  2. Pre Historic Era (1)
  3. Pre Historic Era (2)
  4. Greek & Roman Period (1)
  5. Greek & Roman Period (2)
  6. The Middle Age (1)
  7. The Middle Age (2)
  8. The Renaissance (1)
  9. The Renaissance (2)
  10. The Industrial Age (1)
  11. The Industrial Age (2)
  12. Modern Era Europe (1)
  13. Modern Era Europe (2)
  14. Modern Era Europe (3)

Assignment - 40%
Final Assesment - 60%

Continuing Education: 

Upon the completion of this programme, student is eligible to enroll into Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Visual Communication Design

Career Opportunities: 

1. Museum Curator
2. Art Critic or Writer