fbpx Micro-credential certification in Software Application for Design BVCD1113 (BVCD) ** | SPACE

This course introduces the world of computer arts and exploration of computers as a design tools in publishing, advertising and graphic design. Operation of computer system, page layout, type specification and graphic integration are covered. The course also explore page layout design, digital tracing, scanning, photo retouching, and photorealistic rendering. These skills are achieved through the knowledge of using and handling design software such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

Note: Subject relates to Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Visual Communication Design

** indicates that these programmes will be offered soon

Programme Fee

Awarding Body: 

This programme is designed, delivered, assessed and awarded by SEGi University through the SEGiUniDigital Platform. 

Creative Arts & Design
Entry Requirements: 

Age Experience - 19 Years Above 
Language Proficiency - Yes 
Prerequisites - No


Intro to Adobe Illustrator

  • Exploring Illustrator (1): Line, Object & Saving formats. Exploring Illustrator (2): Shape & Advance Shape
  • Exploring Illustrator (3): Color Management
  • Exploring Illustrator (4): Working with Type
  • Exploring Illustrator (5): Tracing & Layers
  • Exploring Illustrator (6): Effects & Styles

Intro to Adobe Photoshop

  • Exploring Photoshop (1): Creating Doc & Working with files
  • Exploring Photoshop (2): Selection, Copy & Paste & Layer Basics.
  • Exploring Photoshop (3): Manipulating, Editing, Color & Filter.
  • Exploring Photoshop (4): Text & Typography
  • Exploring Photoshop (5): Perspective & Vanishing point

Assignment - 40%
Final Assesment - 60%

Continuing Education: 

Upon the completion of this programme, student is eligible to enroll into Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Visual Communication Design

Career Opportunities: 

1. UI/UX Designer
2. App Developer