fbpx Micro-credential certification in Computer Ethics BMD1223 (BMD) | SPACE

As an overall view, this subject will provide an introduction to computer ethics as well as engage students in a philosophical enquiry on the social impact of computer today. Furthermore, this subject also discusses the ethical issues that emerge from the widespread use of information technology at the local and global market.

Note: Subject relates to Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Multimedia Design

Programme Fee

Awarding Body: 

This programme is designed, delivered, assessed and awarded by SEGi University through the SEGiUniDigital Platform. 

Creative Arts & Design
Entry Requirements: 

Age Experience - 19 Years Above 
Language Proficiency - Yes 
Prerequisites - No

  1. Introduction to Course
  2. An Overview of Ethics
  3. Ethical Considerations in Decision Making (1)
  4. Ethical Considerations in Decision Making (2)
  5. Privacy (1)
  6. Privacy (2)
  7. Social Networking (1)
  8. Social Networking (2)
  9. Social Networking (3)
  10. Intellectual Property (1)
  11. Intellectual Property (2)
  12. Computer and Internet Crime (1)
  13. Computer and Internet Crime (2)
  14. Computer and Internet Crime (3)

Assignment - 50%
Final Exam - 50%

Continuing Education: 

Upon the completion of this programme, student is eligible to enroll into Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Multimedia Design

Career Opportunities: 
  1. Ethics Consultant for Tech Companies
  2. Ethical Hacking Specialist